Everything You Wanted To Know About Basal Implants
A dental implant is, without any doubt, a very successful technique for missing tooth replacement. However, the success of the implant surgery largely depends on several factors including the health condition of the patient, skill of the surgeon as well as the quantity and quality of the implant bed.
Fusing an implant in severely atrophic jaws comes with several challenges, as the third factor (mentioned above) is not favorable in such cases. A basal implant is a recently developed and applied procedure to overcome the challenges and eliminate the odds involved in other options of using implants in atrophic jaws.
Basal Implant
basal implant, also referred to as disk implant or lateral implant, is not affected by the way these implants are fused in the jawbone or dissemination of forces. The term has actually originated from the procedure of how the basal bone and cortical bone areas are utilized for the treatment. The basal bone areas do not suffer infection and resorption. If compared with the spongious bones, cortical bone has much better tolerance for load bearing.
Different Types of Basal Implants
A basal implant is mainly of two types – Basal Osseo Integrated and Basal Cortical Screw. BOI can be further classified into three types – Lateral, Anterior and Posterior. BOI or Basal Osseo Integrated involves utilizing the strong cortical bones.
The screw basal implants use a flapless implant penetrated through gingiva without requiring a single cut. It is fused just like a traditional implant. The term basal implants also include bicortical screws as these pass loads to the opposing cortical bone. The screw basal implants offer some elasticity in the primary level and these are not vulnerable to peri-implantitis because of highly polished implant bed.
Benefits of Basal Implants
Basal implants have several advantages over other conventional implant procedures. Undoubtedly, it is more successful, especially in challenging cases. Followings are some major benefits of basal implants:
- Failure of dental implant is often caused by interface problems, which are more common in cases where more than one-piece dental implant is used. Basal implant being a single-piece implantology ensures a much-improved outcome.
- Basal implant utilizes basal cortical bone and takes support from the same. Basal cortical bone has a stable and speedy recovering capacity.
- In case of compromised bone conditions, a basal implant is considered more effective with a more predictable result.
Simpladent and Genxt are two widely popular brands used for basal implants. Whether you need a basal implant or other types will easily serve your purpose is largely based on clinical findings and your surgeon’s decision.