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Dr. Aman Ahuja

Dr.Aman Ahuja is one of the most distinguished and decorated dental surgeon in India.

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Everything You Need To Know About Invisible Braces

Do you have crooked teeth and the only thing keeping you from getting them straightened is the look of wire braces? With the affordable invisible braces cost in India, you can now get perfectly aligned teeth without ruining the aesthetic of your look. Your crooked teeth can affect more than just your confidence. In the long run, they affect your ability to chew, leading to digestive issues, and injuries, and are also prone to cracking and breaking. It can progress with age and even hamper your speech. Instead of sitting at home, worrying about the cost of invisible braces just ask your dentist for an estimate. Believe it or not, invisible braces cost less than you think so go ahead and get your teeth fixed today!

Should I Get Invisible Braces?

Invisible braces for adults or teens are the best option for straightening your crooked teeth without visible wires. They are made of clear flexible plastic, and they correct your alignment or positioning issues by creating a gentle but firm pressure consistently. Invisalign makes use of a highly advanced material, a patented thermoplastic formula called SmartTrack. The process encourages the movement of the teeth into the desired position and alignment. While you might feel a little worried about getting braces, especially as an adult, or deterred by the cost of invisible braces, a little understanding of the pros and cons can help you make the right choice for yourself.



Wire braces need a period of adjustment. They dig into your cheek and rub on your tongue while speaking, chewing, and other everyday functions. However, with clear braces, you do not have to worry about any discomfort or adjustment.


Traditional wire braces are notorious for trapping food particles, which means you have to be extra careful while consuming some specific food items. Since it can be quite hard for a brush to reach the crevices around the brace, if not cleaned properly, they encourage bacteria. This problem is eliminated with invisible braces for teeth.


As the name says, invisible braces are truly invisible to the world. They comprise clear aligners that correct your alignment issues without any wires. They are completely discreet and do not affect the aesthetics of your look.


While invisible braces cost in India might be a little higher than conventional braces, they also work much faster, offering desired results in often half or less the time. Most people start seeing visible results in 6 weeks and these are usually worn between 6 to 12 months.


The impression for these braces is not using the traditional cream and clay but scanned digitally, and 3-D printed, to ensure you get the most perfect braces. You are offered a pre-treatment plan that uses digital photographs to give you a clear view of what results you can expect, the number of aligners, as well as step-by-step progress photos, to ensure you know exactly what you are signing up for.


Pocket Pinch

The biggest issue that most people worry about is the invisible braces price in India. However, it is actually not much expensive compared to the other options and the benefits. You can choose from several brands and payment plans for your clear aligners. Do not let the cost deter you from a life-changing investment


With removable invisible braces, the wearer has to have the necessary commitment to ensure they wear them as prescribed. There is also a risk of misplacing them, but as long as you are careful and consistent, these issues can be handled.

How Much Do Invisible Braces Cost?

It is a common misconception that invisible braces price in India is a bomb, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth! To understand it better, let us compare it with other braces. While metal braces can cost up to INR 55,000, ceramic braces start at over INR 65,000, while high-quality invisible braces cost in Bangalore starts from INR 80,000, and their benefits are endless. The cost can go higher, up to INR 4,50,000, depending upon the severity of the alignment and positioning issues, the kind of treatment you require, as well as the brand you choose. There are several options of brands you can choose your clear aligners from, and they all come in various ranges of price, depending upon their action and efficiency. One of the best available in the Indian market is Invisalign and the cost for invisible braces from this brand starts at INR 1,00,000. If you have medical or dental insurance, do talk to our financial consultants at Cosmodent about covering the cost of invisible braces, as well as flexible payment plans, which can help make your treatment for crooked teeth effectively pocket friendly.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get invisible braces?

The best solution for perfect teeth is invisible braces for adults, teens, and children alike! Even geriatric persons can also get these braces without any hassle. There is no particular restriction or upper limit to getting them. You can get excellent positive results with clear aligners, irrespective of your age.

Will invisible braces affect any other dental treatment?

Invisible braces are the most effective and non-invasive solution. However, if you have veneers or crowning, dental bonding, or implants, the process might need a different approach. It is best to talk to your dentist before deciding on braces.

How long do I have to wear them?

Invisible braces for teeth work faster than traditional braces and thus, you are likely to see quicker and more effective results. Generally, it is prescribed for 6 to 12 months, but you should start seeing good results in a few weeks.

How Much Do Invisible Braces Cost?

The cost for invisible braces or clear aligners usually ranges from INR 80,000 to INR 1,50,000 but can be priced higher for more complicated cases.

Can I get invisible braces online?

While you can find invisible braces online, these are mostly generic. The results will, thus, be slow and not as effective, and might even do more harm than good. While it might come cheap, you never know about the authenticity of the platform or a doctor or have any guarantee of results. This treatment should be planned, executed, and monitored strictly under the expert guidance of a specialized orthodontist only. Therefore, it is highly recommended that instead of buying invisible braces online, visit a reputed dental clinic such as Cosmodent India to get perfectly customized braces for flawless and guaranteed results.

Cosmodent India is the leading chain of dental clinics in the country, offering all-around solutions for perfect teeth and smiles. We have received several prestigious awards for our extensive work in the field of cosmetic treatments and surgeries. We offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures such as high shine teeth whitening, the latest technology of dental laminates, implants, top quality, and affordable invisible braces cost in Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, and more. Our team of eminent dentists, surgeons, orthodontists, and smile designers will correct any imperfections, teeth, and jaw alignments and help you achieve the perfect teeth that will transform your entire look. We are highly reputed for our extensive orthodontic treatments, which have attracted thousands of patients from the country and all over the world as well as several top celebrities and public figures who feature among our regular clientele. Just book a smile analysis test with our expert today and start the process of redefining your face!

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