By virtue of living in the 21 st century, many dental practices in the world have evolveddrastically, paving way for improved methodologies. Cosmodent India specializes in usinglatest digital technology in dentistry to build a perfect smile for you. With one of the bestdental infrastructures in the world, we provide unmatched solutions to all our patients byapplying the newest technologies in dental sciences.
Our team is equipped, and continuously trained, in using highly specialized equipment thatmatch premium dental practices globally. With the smallest routine procedures to full mouthdental implants, we ensure that our patients receive the best dental care in the most hygienicand safe environment.
Our dental technology:Our in-house technology markers set us apart from the rest of thedental practices in India, because of the use of digitization and highly specialized dentalequipment.
Immediate Implants Technology
Dental implants have progressed remarkably over the past decade. Our new techniques,materials and modalities have helped refine our line of treatment offered to our patients.
We make use of best quality basal dental implants (cortical bone support) and zygomaticdental implants implants of Nobel Biocare, Simpladent , Idhe Dental, Straumann,Megagen companies which are leading manufacturers of most advanced implants for allbone-types.
Digital Radiography
The use of digital radiography paves way for in-depth understanding of a patients dentalanomalies and helps present the most viable solution. With latest radiographs taken from ourKodak, Sirona and New Tom systems are useful in identifying persisting oral problems,Cosmodent India seamlessly caters to complete adult and child dental x-rays.
You can get access to RVG (Radio-visio-graphy), OPG (Ortho-Pantomo-gram), Lat Ceph(Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph) as well as CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography)amongst others, all under one roof.
Our dental radiography lab in India helps identify the minutest problem with absoluteprecision.
Painless Injection Technique
Even the slightest prick can stress patients, hampering the entire dental procedure. Painlessinjection techniques used at Cosmodent India helps to make this experience also ‘wow’ and‘pain-free’.
With our use of ‘Vibraject’ device, the pain sensation in your gums and tooth is reduceddrastically. This facilitates easy treatment and hassle-free recuperation.
Invisible braces
The most advanced way of silently correcting your teeth is where invisible braces play animportant role. The use of ‘Invisalign’- clear and nearly invisible braces, help to gentlystraighten mis-aligned teeth with hassle free digital impressions.
Laser Dentistry
Laser dentistry is the most painless and latest method of rectifying oral and dental healthcareissues. We use most efficients BioLase lasers in multiple streams of treatment ranging fromfilling cavities to whitening, tumour removal to reducing tooth sensitivity, depigmentation etc.
Intraoral Camera
An effective way to check what’s in your mouth is with our DARYOU DY-50 and ProDENT DigitalIntraoral USB Dental Camera that enables us to take particularly sharp pictures of your teeth thushelping us to identify the root cause of the different dental problems. From identifying toothdecay to cracked teeth, gum disease treatment, etc. get every dental and oral healthcareproblem identified instantly at Cosmodent India.
Get instant whitening results with the latest and state-of-the-art teeth whitening treatmentslike Zoom whitening and Pola Office 365. A perfect smile awaits you in just a singleappointment, making your teeth up to eight shades brighter immediately!
Use of modern airel dental chairs, which include surgical chairs, paediatric dental chairs andgeneral dental chairs along with LCD screens help the team at Cosmodent India deliverquick results in less span of time.
A relaxed experience for the patient with zero discomfort while carrying out the treatment.
Sterilization Practice
We do not jeopardize our patients health and ensure highly efficient decontamination andsterilization protocols that include thorough cleansing of dental instruments and devices.
Complying with IDA and ADA regulations Cosmodent India uses three step sterilisationincluding advanced ultrasonic cleaners, UV protection units, B class Autoclave to ensure100% sterilization. There is absolutely no direct contact with the sterilized bags before thedesired dental procedures.
Advanced Restorative Materials
Use of advanced restorative materials from top notch brands GC, Ivoclar help the team atCosmodent India offer modern methods of dental treatments in India that includes-tooth coloured fillings, dental cements, liners and varnish, nanotechnology in dentalmaterials, bonding agents and resin based composites, luting and pulp therapy materials,etc.
PRP Machine
The use of latest Arthrex ACP double syringe system helps the experts at CosmodentIndia spearhead advanced dermal procedures and hair transplant procedures, effectively.
From Periodontal surgery to cosmetic treatment, prosthodontics to oral and maxillofacialsurgery, kids dentistry to endodontic treatment, etc. are an extensive part of CosmodentIndia’s top dental procedures in India which are made possible with the most elite andupdated technology that we possess.
Dental Chair With Screen-1