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Dr. Aman Ahuja

Dr.Aman Ahuja is one of the most distinguished and decorated dental surgeon in India.

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Dr. Aman Ahuja

Dr.Aman Ahuja is one of the most distinguished and decorated dental surgeon in India.

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Tooth Whitening in India

Bleaching teeth refers to whitening teeth beyond their natural color. Active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are bleaching agents most often used in teeth bleaching processes. Where as a whitening process for teeth describes the process of restoring the natural color of teeth by removing stains from the tooth surface. Whiteners are cleaning agents that can be found in some toothpaste and mouth rinses.

Where as a whitening process for teeth describes the process of restoring the natural color of teeth by removing stains from the tooth surface. Whiteners are cleaning agents that can be found in some toothpaste and mouth rinses.

How it is done?

Our experts will decide whether you need a teeth whitening or teeth bleaching. Then first the dental team will put a rubber shield or a gel on your gums to protect them. Then we apply the whitening product to your teeth, using a specially made tray which fits into your mouth like a mouthguard. The 'active ingredient' in the product is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Here are some of the bands we use for in office whitening, Pearly White Smile Laser Tooth Whitening Gel, Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed, and LumaWhite Plus Whitening Kit.

What are the post bleaching instruction?

For the following 24 hours After Treatment you must:

  • Avoid any dark staining drinks like Tea, Coffee, Red Wine, coloured soft or alcoholic drinks and fruit juice.
  • Avoid all dark staining foods like bolognese, soy sauce, red meat, chocolate and all fruit except bananas.
  • Avoid any foods or drinks that would leave a stain on a white shirt.
  • No Smoking for 24 hours, smoking a cigarette within the first 24 Hours will stain your teeth
  • Avoid coloured toothpaste (red or blue) or Mouthwash for 24 hours.

Lets Get in Touch !

Don’t wait to treat your dental problems on another day! Instantly book an appointment with Cosmodent India to get the right help under the guidance of expert dental specialists today.

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Delhi Clinic


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  • Single Tooth Replacement 3-days
  • Multiple Tooth Replacement 5-days
  • All in 4 Implant
  • All in 6 Implant
  • Zygoma Implant
  • Basal Implant
  • BOI Implant
  • Bone Grafts
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Misaligned and Crowded Tooth
  • Discoloured Teeth
  • Spaces Between Teeth
  • Worn Out Teeth
  • Gummy Smile
  • Digital Smile Design
  • Dental Crown & Bridge
  • Tooth Whitening / Bleaching
  • Paediatric Dentistry
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